Discover a unique program for securing your dream home.

Are you one of those homeowners who've considered selling but don't know where to go? Or maybe you've wanted to move but are waiting until after the holidays? We have some exciting news for you! Our team has a unique program designed to bridge these gaps and make your real estate dreams a reality.

Imagine finding your dream home right now while having the flexibility to move later. Let's say you're planning to relocate in February after the holidays. You can share your specific criteria and the price you'd pay if you found your perfect home with our team. We'll tap into our extensive database to identify sellers who own homes matching your dream property and are open to flexible timelines.

“Imagine finding your dream home right now while having the flexibility to move later.”

Once we've identified potential sellers, we'll structure a deal that benefits both parties in terms and price. This way, you can secure your dream home today without the pressure of an immediate move. We've successfully facilitated dozens of such deals in recent years, addressing the most common challenges in today's real estate market—low inventory and timing.

Whether you're planning to buy a home next year but can't find the right one, or you're considering selling your home but want to delay your move until after the holidays, our team is here to help. Reach out to us today, sharing your unique situation and goals. Let us craft an exit strategy tailored just for you.

I'm Marc Austin Highfill, Broker-Owner at EXIT First Realty, and I want to assure you that It's Not the's the Marketing That Makes the Difference!! Don't wait; get in touch with us today!